On his way to London, Edward was intercepted and detained by Richard, Duke of Gloucester (Richard III), his uncle and designated protector. His coronation date was set for May 4, 1483.

Upon his death in 1483, his legacies include two young sons, Edward V and Richard, both of which would be murdered in the Tower of London that year.The next year he returned and defeated the Lancastrian forces at the battle of Tewkesbury.Unable to muster enough forces to confront a set of Lancastrian armies (one of which was led by Richard Neville, earl of Warwick), Edward fled to Holland in September 1470. In 1464 he married Elizabeth Woodville which became the root of many future troubles.Edward defeated the Lancastrians at Mortimor's Cross and was proclaimed king in March 1461.Edward IV ascended to the throne in 1461 finally achieving the goal of seating a member of the York family pushed forth by his father, Richard, duke of York, for the entire decade of the 1450s.He was briefly restored as ruler from 1470 to 1471 but before the battle of Barnet in April he was captured by Edward and sent to the tower of London where he was murdered on May 21, 1471. In 1461 he lost the throne to Richard's son Edward IV.At the battle of Northampton in 1460 he was captured by the Yorkist forces and forced to acknowledge Richard as the rightful heir to the throne.The next year he recovered and clashed with Richard over who would rule England thus starting the Wars of the Roses.